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6 month old English Bulldog constant itching



Lady Bug
My puppy Bella is a 6 month old english bulldog.  I got her when she was 6 wks old and I took her to the vet the day after I got her just so I could get my vet familiar and just give her an overall exam. He found that she had a small skin infection on her lower belly so we put her on an antibiotic. It cleared up and she was fine. Then last month I noticed a few small red bumps on her belly again and notice her itching more often so I called to see about getting the antibiotic again but they insisted that I bring her in for another exam. I couldn't afford a vet visit at the time so my husband just took her this past Friday Nov. 12th. The vet put her on clavamox for the skin and found that she also had an ear infection so gave medicine for that as well. The ear infection has cleared up completely but she is still itching her belly ever chance she gets. I don't know if this is an allergy or what. I contact the vet to let him know that the clavamox hasn't seemed to help her skin and he suggested that I bring her in AGAIN for a skin scraping this time to see if she might have mange. My problem with that is I have another dog in the house who is completely find with no skin problems so I figured if she did have mange wouldn't my other dog have it as well? I have spend a lot of money on her since day one of getting her and I'm trying to see if anyone out there knows what this could be before I make another expensive vet visit that may or may not help her. She is itching her belly area and arm pit area. I think it's some sort of allergy but have no idea what exactly. I know that she is for sure allergic to ants because we already had to make a vet visit over that issue when she got bit by a few ants when I took her outside to potty. If you have any suggestions to what might be going on with her I would greatly appreciate them.  

yeast infection in english bulldog; chronic allergies in bulldog; supplements for itchy bulldog:
I LOVE the photo of Bella, thanks so much!
YES - I can help this baby -  I would try my suggestions for the next 60 days and see if they help.  ( I BET they will)
YOU must do everything in the posts to help your gal..
Food change over and supplements are a must:

SEE Here:

First - Let's get onto a Grain free food -
YOUR choices are


Before Grain , Salmon

Wellness CORE - OCEAN

NOW - grain free foods - see here

( PUT your Bella on a grain-free food MIXED with her regular dog food that you have been using)  Do a 50:50 mix of her food and the new food for 1 month)   AFTER 30 days go 100% to the new grain free food only.

Give Bella 1 NuVET Supplement per day
The NuVET will help to BLAST her ? food and Environmental allergies and helps to control yeast bacteria...

Also, LITTLE Bella should take 1 NuVET wafer per day - Skin and Coat healer.  Call tomorrow and ask for a 90 count of the NuVET Plus Wafer treats.
90 count is 55.00 and this will last you 3 months...

Mention you are working with Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse.
Give order code 81098 ,

LAST -  PLEASE put this baby onto some PEARLS --- it's a probiotic you can get a Walmart or GNC stores - get the lowest dosage for her.  Give her 1 per day for 90 days - helps to reduced yeast and ear infections.  I bet she has an overgrowth of yeast thru her entire body.
It is just called:  PEARLS

Keep me posted ..... I want reports every 60 days if you can...
Marie Peppers LPN MA

My private e-mail is: