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Help Needed for French Bulldog


I have a french bulldog foster that I just received that is in very bad shape.  She is the worst case of allergies I have ever seen.  Her entire face, paws and under belly are inflammed and raw.  She looks like she has been boiled alive.  She is currently getting veterinary care.  Steroid shots, antibiotics etc.  I want to get her on a solid holistic program and try to give this poor dog a chance at life and adoption.  I can send you pictures also.  Where do I begin?

The place to begin, and probably end; because if you read it and do exactly what it says,you will more than likely solve your new friend's issues; go to: and buy my book, Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet. If you don't have a Kindle, there is a free Kindle app at: .

Skin problems such as your Frenchie has have been my specialty for over 20 years. It is important that you don't do any more steroids, or other vet treatments, vaccines, flea prevention, etc. because they will only make things worse.

Keep it simple. Read the book, eliminate toxins, change her food ( raw preferably, and no wheat, corn, soy, dairy or beef)  and bathe her in Critter Oil
( or ) at least once a week. If necessary, add our Colloidal Silver to her food and to her shampoo.

After you read the book, if you have any questions, feel free to call me at 727-327-2356 or 727-327-8769.

Don't worry, I've cleared up many, many of these issues.
