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Boston Terrier snorting dilemma;


My son has recently asked that I care for his Boston terrier, who is a delightful little guy. The problem is that he snorts constantly and I am not able to sleep now. I am using ear plugs and putting in my Ipod headphone - and am really not happy at the thought of this being the only way I can get any sleep now. I have two other dogs that sleep in my room at the foot of the bed and do not want to banish little Beans to another area of the house.

What are my other options???


Hi Kathy, So sorry but this is normal for many Bostons.  It is the way nasal passage and airway were developed in this breed.  I myself love it but I sure can understand the sound may be hard to Sleep with.!!!!
Yes, he will need another place in your house to sleep.  No other way of getting around this one.
Just make a nice spot in the laundry room for him???

BEST wishes!

Marie Peppers LPN MA