Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Min Pin loosing hair skin scrape ; yeast on skin ;

Min Pin loosing hair skin scrape ; yeast on skin ;


My min pin is loosing her hair on top of her head and neck area. She also has a small amout of eye drainage . She has no bumps or sores with her hair loss.Please advise. Thanks

Canine fur loss ; min pin with fur falling out ; dog skin /coat diseases:
Min pin eye drainage and allergies ;  eyes are watery in canine ;

Let me know if you try the supplements or if you go to see the VET....
I would sure like to know how your min pin is doing....
Take care - keep me posted...
Marie Peppers

Hi James - You can have a vet do a skin scrape and test the area....  It may just be seasonal allergies -  you mentioned the eye and excessive drainage.
Here is what you can try:
Most VETS will offer 1-2 mg of Benadryl per pound - for the eye drainage or redness.
10 pound dog can have 10-20 mg of Benadryl per every 8-12 hrs.

Also, I would love to see your little min pin on the NuVET allergy / skin and coat system:
**they have powder or wafer of the NuVET plus-
GREAT products - 100% natural and safe:
Will help to heal the skin and reduce or Stop the shedding.

Call 1-800-474-7044
the 30 count is 19.00
the 60 count is 39.99
and the 90 count is 55.00
CALL in your order and ask for the 15% off Discount on all order called in / they have a special program for you...
Tell them order code 81098 and my name : your referral : marie peppers of ask the pet nurse

BEST wishes
Marie Peppers LPN