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Cats throat congestion



My dear Dillon has become sick for the first time in 10 years!
I fostered 2 kittens, and was assured they were not sick, but they were with weeping eyes & sneezing.  Dillon first lost his voice completely (!), which was especially hard & scary for him because he is an awesome talker & uses his vocalizations all day long with me.  I used antibiotics bc he also became extremely weak & fatigued. An infection in one eye appeared after a couple days and has remained over a week, even with eye drop medication.  He  is stronger, more himself & able to make sounds, but is careful about it.  That's the background!

Here's the question:  His latest symptom, and I  take it as a sign of healing, is that the congestion in his throat seems to be loosening.

The trouble is that he is brought to his knees in gagging from it.
I am home all day with him, so am able to soothe him, but it really bothers him and what he does is struggle to swallow the phlegm.  He spit some out so I could see that it was fairly clear/yellowish and fluid, no mass. I guess the sense it just really bother him to be sick.  He was originally a wild cat I socialized when he was 2-3 yrs old (presumably).  So he is very virile and strong.  Feeling weak, for him, is horrible.

Can you give me suggestions on holistic/natural ways to help dissolve the mucus?  He also has eye drainage.  I would appreciate e all ideas.  I just hate to give medicines unless truly necessary.  Is it ok to massage his throat?

Thank you for helping with this..I hate seeing him suffer.

Elizabeth & Dillon

Hi Elizabeth and Dillion
What you are going through sounds very traumatic and uncomfortable. I totally have compassion for you and Dillion.

Before you do anything to help dissolve the mucus I would recommend you find a holistic veterinarian to get to the root of this issue. Dillion's symptoms are strong enough where it would be important to get a diagnosis from a holistic vet preferably a Chinese herbalist so they can address his constitution and treat him with the appropriate herbals.

Going this route will give him a stronger immune system so he can systemically deal with the issue.

You are lucky to be in California as the choices for holistic veterinarians are greater.

If would be ok to gently massage his neck but you must be careful as there are many blood vessels and nerves that could be compromised. Also I would recommend again to make sure there are no masses in his throat, etc before giving a massage.

Please let me know if you have any other questions and my best to you both.
