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Lesions on our cat


Freddy is 2 and a half years old and has always had slight issues with his skin. He has always had thin fur on his paws and feet so that you can see his pinkish skin slightly through it. Quite early on he had some kind of rash / lesions behind his ears which eventually cleared up, although the fur there remains short. About a year ago he had small ulcers under his lip which also cleared up after a while. He also on and off seems to have a problem with one eye, keeping it closed or half-closed for a day or two, with only a little bit of clear mucous, or sometimes none. He is a very adventurous cat, likes spending time outside and often comes hope with scratches and scrapes. His feet especially take a beating, he gets wounds between his toes, and little nicks on the tops and pads of his feet. Currently he has one or two on top, he also has little raw patches on the backs of his thighs and a a wet raw wound about the size of a pencil head on the side of his abdomen. Nothing ever yellow, swollen or pussy.
I would like to know if he just has sensitive skin or whether there could be something more to it.
Not sure if this is related, but it has me a bit worried: he has been sneezing a lot in the past few hours and rubbing his nose hard on his paws.
He is however, a very active cat with a healthy appetite. We have never used any medication and he eats a diet that consists about 70% raw chicken and the rest canned cat food and pilchards.

Hi Marisa,
The first thing I would do is get your kitty to a vet for a diagnosis. That is so important. If you don't get the answer or treatment that you want from your regular vet I would then suggest you look for a holistic vet.
As you know I am not a veterinarian. Yet, by the some of the symptoms your described it sounds as if his immune system is compromised. I would recommend you find some other protein sources and a non-allergenic food and rotate what you feed him. It is hard work to determine what our fur balls may be allergic to. But once you find out life can be much more comfortable.
There are many things you can do to build his immune system but I would suggest getting a diagnosis first and then I can probably help more.
My best