Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Bazzle



I'm a bit concerned about my 5 year old dog, Bazzle.  He seems to have an upset stomach.  Over the last few days his appetite for his regular dog food has gone down and he's been eating quite a bit of vegetation in his outside play area.
Last time I took him to the vet, he didn't respond well the medicine they gave him.  I was wondering if there is anything alternative I can do to make him feel better.

Hi Faye,
I am sorry to hear that Bazzle is not feeling well.  You say that he has been to the vet before.  Was it for the same complaint?  What did the vet diagnose?  It is important to get a correct vet diagnosis so that we can find the best natural solution to work with.  If you feel it is simply an upset tummy then you can give him some probiotics.  Go to your health food store and purchase some probiotics (preferably organic ones if you can) and give him the recommended children's dose.  Otherwise I can recommend some specific products if you like.  Let me know.
Looking forward to your response.