Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Lasix substitute;

Lasix substitute;


I have a dog with a tumor pushing into his lungs. The vet has him on lasix, which is working really well, but I'm going to run out today and the vet is not open because of inclement weather. I have human diuretics (water pills)--may I give him those as a substitute until I the vet opens? He goes down rapidly if the pills are late at all. He's a boxer/Great Dane cross, weighs about 90 pounds, is 10 years old. (I will have to put him down soon, but want to keep him comfortable and happy as long as possible.) thanks much.

Hi Margaret, I am so sorry the Lasix is a must.  The over-the-counter diuretics don't compair to the Lasix.  Boy, I wish that I could advise you on this!  Please call the Vet and see if they have an emergancy number you can call.  This is serious.

Blessings to you and Paws Crossed!

Marie Peppers LPN MA