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Bugs and stray dog / How about going to Revival Animal Health


I found a very large emaciated dog last month while on my way up to work at Manzano Mountains State Park in New Mexico.  I took him home.  He's fat now but there are still some host bugs that I find in his right eye every morning.  The right eye had a film over it and a membrane was protruding a bit from the backside toward the front.  After cleaning it with warm water and sea salt, I put a three way antibiotic on and around the eye.  I put some drops in the eye that my friend had left over from several years back.  The eye is 90% back to normal however, I still find little bugs in the duct area when I clean it with Baby Wipes every morning.  The bugs have antennas coming out of their heads.  They appear to be a second stage of larva or something?  When the eye was really bad I killed two that were running through his hair.  Their bodies contained what looked to be a mucus substance but they are brown on the outside with several legs.  They remind me of those potato bugs that roll into a ball when you touch them, only with antennaes and a split down their backs where they look like they will fly when they become mature.  I was shocked to see that there was still a baby sized one in the duct this morning.  I thought I got rid of them.  Can you prescibe something?  I've run out of the drops that my friend gave me!
Much thanks,

Hello Wendy, Well, that was so very nice of you to work with this poor dog!!!  What A wonderful human you are!!
As for your situation.... I have no idea what the bugs could be ??? How about you go over to this site:  see if you can find something here to help you....
MOST of the product here do not need a RX and are low cost.
REVIVAL Animal Health

Also, You may want to start your dog onto some NuVET supplements - this will help to re-build the immune system.
This is a wafer you give each day...
Taste is Yum Yum good and Guaranteed to help!

BEST wishes !!!
AGAIN - you are a saint to deal with this!!!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse