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Urinating Bulldog - How about cranberry pills and NuVET


Marie - Thanks for reply - Baby (yes he is actually called Baby -real named Holmes but no longer answes to it)  would there be any signs that would indicate a urinary infection? Also when he has marked and I have cleared up he can obviously smell it we have caught him licking  the areas and doing the typical Bulldog dribble with "chompy" jaw movement!! I have used every different tyoe of antibacterial cleaner I can think of!!

Well, the urine smell may be strong if Baby has a slight infection.
Otherwise, he may just be marking ???? don't know why???
Can you get the spray to deter him/////
It is called " NO Go " or something like that.

Also, you can try giving him some Cranberry pills - just 1 per day for a month will help with his kidney health.
Also, most of my doggie clients do take 1 NuVET wafer per day...
check it out: