Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > 12 yr old cat- losing weight, not eating

12 yr old cat- losing weight, not eating


QUESTION: My 12 yr old cat has very recently started to lose weight.  She is not drinking and the only moisture she gets now is my finger feeding her gravy from canned food.  she was eating baby food but her appetite has dwindled tremendously.She has not had a normal bowel movement in a few days.  Can you help me?

ANSWER: Hi Linda- you can give her some canned pumpkin- give about a tablespoon of this mixed with a little bit of water.  See if she can get that down.  
YOU may want to bring her into the vet for I.V. therapy.  She may just be giving up.  Sometimes when they lose weight like this it is liver related.

I can suggest some supplements for her.  Let me know if you want the names of some supplements and oils to try.

Sorry, it is hard to say what is going on here without some blood work and tests.

BEST wishes to you two!

Marie Peppers LPN MA  
( pet nutritional support -
no charge for questions... JUST ask Marie )

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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your prompt response.  One recommendation I had been given was to give her Colace as a stool softener.  I gave it to her right after I wrote you the first time and she began to foam at the mouth.  She has since walked all around her room (which she wasn't walking at all) and now she is laying down next to her litter box. I didn't even give her a drop of Colace, I rubbed a slight bit on her teeth.   Do you have any idea why she would immediately begin foaming at her mouth?  I would like to try some home remedies because i think the idea of going to the vet will make her so tense and I just don't think she has the strength to go through that kind of tension.

Hi again, don't give the colace because it is much too strong for her.
I would do some canned pumpkin or you can get some plain metamucil powder and give her some mixed into tuna fish.... about a 1/2 teaspoon of plain metamucil per day should do the trick.

Also, you may want to get her onto NuVET Plus supplements - this is an Immune System Booster - which I am sure she could use.
Here is the link for ordering the NuVET Feline Formula -
They can't sell to the public without a Breeder or VET code - here is mine : 81098 ( make sure you tell them Marie referred you and write down the code please)
or the secured web store is here:

You can buy the small bottle of the "30 count" for 19.95.
They also sell it is larger bottles .....

I would like you to just give 1/2 a dosage per day - for 10 days and then work up to 1 full dosage of the NuVET Feline -

The colace has a antiacid effect and that is the foaming reaction your saw on your old gal.  No more colace.... not too great for a fragile cat.

BEST of luck - An I understand why you don't want to go to the vet. Just had to offer.....


Marie Peppers LPN MA