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Doberman skin issues


I have two questions about my two dogs.

My 2 year male doberman has had skin issues that the vet can't seem to figure out.  All they want to do is give him antibiotics and steroids, both of which I refuse to do.  When they do look at his skin scrape they almost always say it looks like a bacterial skin infection.  I have tried everything.  Shampoos...I have changed his diet to grain free all fish ( I try to feed high quality holistic/natural foods)...I put fish oils on his food...I have taken him to my chiropractor for adjustments...I want to help him stop itching without drugs.  His hair is getting thin down his back.  I have had his thyroid checked and it looks good.  He chews at his feet a lot and licks his belly.  His rear flanks at times look thick and dark.  I always refer to it as elephant skin.  He will get smelly at times and seems to feel relief with a bath in tea tree shampoo.  He has always gulped his food down too fast and has a gas problem. He often has goop in his eyes.
I am trying to give you all the info on him that I can..sorry for all the details.

My female is 6 years old and has always been a bit nervous.  I have gone through a divorce and we (the dogs and I) are staying with a friend while I look for a house.  I know that stress is a big factor for my female... when I was married I wasn't working and was home most of the time with the dogs.  I have had to go to work full time and they spend a lot of time alone in the house.  I don't have children, and the dogs are my life and my babies.  Unfortunately my financial situation has changed and stress has increased.  She has a lick granuloma that is a new thing since my divorce.  I have been putting wet green tea bags on it in the morning with a wrap and again in the eve.  She is really good with that and it seems to have reduced in size.  I also give them the  drops of Rescue Remedy in their water and I massage it into their ears in the morning and at night. My mom gave me some liquid Bentonite and I alternate putting that on a cotton ball (and make a poltice) with the green tea bags.  I feel like it looks better and is less inflamed.  She seems to be leaving it alone more....although I don't know what she does during the day.  I feel guilty because I feel like the stress of a new place and a new situation is causing them stress.

I will say that the skin issues with my male have been ongoing since I got him as a pup...sometimes it was better and then it would get bad again.  My marriage was actually very peaceful and calm.  There wasn't much personal stress like some divorces have.  I think they actually miss him and life at home... That is a lot of info.  I hope you will have some more advice about natural alternatives for my babies.  

Thank you,  Stacy

Hi Stacy!
Thank you for caring for you dobermans so much. Due to time limitations and work schedule I can only answer one question per questioner. SO i ask if you please cut and paste and resend! And i will answer 2nd question within 2 days. (due to questions maximum you  may have to resend in 2 days)
You are clearly very astute and tuned into your dogs. And i am sorry to hear for you loss :(
If you wouldn't mind within the question you resend please give me details as to what exactly you are feeding your male, both for meals and treats. They have very specific dietary needs and it is great you are doing holistic and natural as much as you can but please be specific!

I am out of town tomorrow and if my question limit is reached i may have to wait to answer on march 1st. Thank you for your patience!

I understand the female is nervous. Has it been established that there is no arthritis, or fungus, demodex, nerve issue under the granuloma site?
Great job on using green tea bags. It could absolutely be of psychogenic origins and the change in her pack status and new home.
My question for you is how much is she/are they getting cardiovascular exercise? I dont mean in the yard or walks. I mean open field, off leash beach or park where they RUN RUN RUN and play and chase each other or a ball daily?
I dont know the leash laws in your area but it will help her dramatically it will drain all the nervous energy, rain, or shine. Even in snow, just protect their paws and give them a sweater. A beach is great that allows dogs or a park provided your male isnt allergic to grass.

The neurosis that goes into chewing will have an outlet to drain, this should be every day for at least 1 full hour on top of her little nightly dog walk.
Great using the green tea bags, I might also split open vitamin e capsules to help assist with healing. Is it infected? then a daily wash with a betadyne solution.
How long is she alone? and is she crated when you are not home? This can all contribute to lick granulomas. But if it is either of these, and/or the grieving of the loss of your spouse and absolutely not a medical issue then fresh air sunshine, play socialization with other dogs, ocean breezes or trees and earth (if you arent near an ocean) with cardio, heart pumping, blood pumping exercise will help. If for some reason leash laws are tough take up running with them it will help clear your mind and might help heal some of your anxieties as well!  Can you get a responsible dog walker that will take them out with a well behaved pack to the beach or park daily if you have a 10 hour day? Its worth the expense, and the person must make sure they are getting cardiovascular exercise, always under supervision and have complete command of the back. So get someone who has training in dog behavior if you can. So many dog walkers are clueless and encourage poor behavior.
Please send details with about your male and if my mailbox is full (as i have several questions pending and am out of town tomorrow) please resend on March 1st PST or march 2nd GMT.

Will answer your other question soon!