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Additional help for arthritis


Hi Sharon,

I have an approximate 9 year old, 85 pound, diabetic German Shepherd mix, named Freddie. He is also prone to pancreatitis, has glaucoma, and arthritis. Recently, within the last two weeks or so, his arthritis seems to be bothering him. For some reason that I can not understand, he seems to be in a lot of pain at bedtime. He will cry until 1-2 in the morning, although when he gets 2 pills of Ascriptin he seems fine. He does not utter a whimper during the day, but around 10:30 at night he starts whining and will then lick his back leg. I will be taking him to his doctor just to verify that it is his arthritis and not something else. In the meantime, we seem to be managing with Ascriptin. He gets one 325 mg pill in the morning and 2-21/2 pills at bedtime. Do you know what is a safe amount that he can get? He was on Rimadyl for the glaucoma and did not tolerate that well. He began throwing up within a few days of starting.

To help with his arthritis here is what he gets daily:

2000 mg of MSM
200 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid (for both his glaucoma and diabetes)
50 mg of Benadryl
2000 mg of Ester-C
975 mg of Ascriptin
200 iu of vitamin E
3000 mg of Glucosamine Hydrochloride
2400 mg of Chondroitin Sulfate

What else can I give to Freddie to help with his arthritis? I've seen products like "Fluid Joint" that claim to be better than Glucosamine, would that be safe to give to him?
Thanks for any information that you can give us. It breaks my heart at night to hear him cry and believe that he is in pain.

Have a great day,
Ricki and Freddie

Hello Ricki -

I am very sorry to hear your pet is in so much pain. I know it is heart-breaking especially since animals rarely show they are in any pain regardless of ailment.

Your pet is on a good mix of supplements. I might decrease the Ester C a bit just because with the high dosage of Ascriptin you are giving him you could cause stomach irritation that may lead to an ulcer. Still keep him on it just reduce the dosage by 500mg if you can.

You want to consider adding a supplement of Vitamin A. This vitamin is very good for Glaucoma and has shown good results in pets with helping to restore eyesight, aid internal healing and will not allow further deterioration to occur.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin are the best for arthritis and with the MSM you have all your bases covered. Another supporter of these supplements is called SAM-e. This supplement is used for severe cases of arthritis and osteoarthritis. It supports the Gluco, Chond and MSM. It will allow the tissues to rebuild themselves and will aid the body in repair from osteoarthritis. SAM-e also will stop further osteo issues and will help retard current conditions. There are many products out there, stay with what you know. A lot of supplements claim to be what they are not. There have been numerous studies done on Gluco and Chond and the results have been fantastic for both human and animal.

Your pet may be showing more pain because at times (human and animal) our/their bodies may become immune and dependent on supplements. Basically, the bosd will get use to them. Try taking him off the Gluco, Chond and MSM for a week and then begin again. This will not harm him. It will allow for his body to recooperate and start fresh. When you start it up again, you should notice a difference in a week or so.

I would not increase your dosage of Ascriptin, this is high enough even for a large dog like your German Shepherd. Ascriptin is aspirin for dogs and cause more harm then good when administered in large dosages and when given frequently. Be sure your veterinarian checks for ulcers and stomach irritation when you take him for his next visit. He may be crying from stomach pain when you think its his joints.

Do not mix Rimadyl with Ascriptin, this can prove very harmful. They do not mix together and this may be why your pet began to vomit during the administration. It's one or the other, in your case, I would stick with the Ascriptin.

Don't overdo it on the supplements either, as I mentioned adding the Vitamin A and SAM-e would be fine with what he is currently taking. Given his age, try to keep him as comfortable as possible. Try a little Lavender Oil is his favorite resting place, this will help him sleep better and calm down.

If he gets to loud with his crying you may want to try to adminsited the Bach Flower Essence of Rescue Remedy. This will help calm him down and relax him further. It is very easy to administer, you can give it orally or add to his water. Just 2-4 drops are fine and this can be given every 5 (five) minutes if necessary to help calm him down.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at I would be willing to take your case and do a full consultation with you in helps of easing your pets pain a little further. I also offer a catalog of home made herbal remedies which I could send to you as well. For more information about me and my practice please visit my web page at

Thank you and my sincerest wishes to you and your pet. If you have any further questions, feel free to drop me an email.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist