Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > chf



QUESTION: Hi Marie - My 11-yo beagle was just recently diagnosed with CHF via x-ray. Her only symptoms appear to be a cough, which is well-controlled on Lasix 12.5 mg b.i.d., and her breathing is faster when she's lying down.  Otherwise, she's still mischievous and very happy to eat and go for walks. She weighs about 29 lbs., but I'm trying to get that down. I have her on Vetri-Science cardiac support supplement, milk thistle for an enlarged liver, fish oil, glucosamine chondroitin MSM, and she's on potassium bromide which controls her seizure disorder wonderfully. My question is, it seems that since being on Lasix, she drinks less water and pees less.  I've changed her diet to a homemade recipe - high protein, low/no sodium (meat,fish, brown rice, veggies, and eggs with ground shells for calcium), and am giving her bananas and watermelon for potassium.  She pees more since I've been giving her the fruits (which I make as a smoothie and add water, as well as adding more water to her food).  I wanted to put her on hawthorn for her heart and dandelion as a diuretic, but am afraid to do this with the Lasix.  My vet is no help in this matter. Thanks so much.  Evelyn

ANSWER: Hi Evelyn, It all sounds Great!  You can add the Hawthorn but don't do the Dandelion.
The main thing that will help the CHF is the lasix and a low sodium diet.
Yes, good that you are adding water and the smoothie to her food.

I think you have done you Homework!  Good job.

HOPE your little Beagle lives many more happy years.


Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much, Marie, for getting back to me so quickly. After writing to you, I wondered if I should put her on a CoQ10 supplement, as the Vetri-Science supplement only has 20 mg in it. Should she be on a higher dose of this?  It also has 250 mg of L-carnitine and 250 mg of taurine - is that enough?  Thanks again.  Evelyn.

Only introduce one product at a time.  Split new products up by 2-3 weeks.
As for the CoQ10, she can have 20 mg for every 25 pounds of weight.
I don't think I would add more CoQ10 or the others.
Take it slow.  Too much too soon is not good.  
**Shock to the system.
( and the intestines, too)

I know you are a worried Momma!  I will keep my paws crossed for you both.

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse