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Teeth cleaning


what is the best thing you can do to clean your dog's teeth?

I have found that if a dog is fed a diet that is high in essential enzymes, for instance a raw food diet, that their teeth don't get tarter buildup.  I believe that not vaccinating also helps this. Tarter tends to be a PH factor and a properly balanced raw food produces proper PH.
My 7 year old Boxer has never had her teeth cleaned or even brushed and they look like a one year old's teeth.  She has not been vaccinated since she was 8 weeks old, and she eats a totally raw food diet. If you already have teeth and gum problems, if severe, I suggest getting them professionally cleaned and then putting him on a raw food diet so that you won't have the problem in the future.

If you have mild buildup, I would suggest the raw food and using one of the many enzyme based teeth cleaning products. If there are gum issues as well, get Bentonite Clay, and making a thick paste out of it by adding water or Colloidal Silver, put it daily on the infected gums.  You will be amazed at how quickly they will clear up and even tighten back up around the teeth.

I hope this answers your question. If you have any more, please don't hesitate to ask. If you found my help useful, please take a minute and provide feedback. Thanks!

Susan Griffin