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Alternative to Metacam


Hi. I have a 7year old Boarder colly with a bad back leg. meg is on Metacam 30mg when needed it is very expensive in the Uk and she is needing it more and more. Can you suggest an alternative? I have been told to use 1/2 asprin, but I am concerned about the effects on her  stomach linning? please can you advise a herbal would be good.
Thank you

Yes, you are correct about the long term effects of any aspirin.
Metacam is very safe and 1 dosgae a day should do the trick, or when needed.
sorry, no other options...

Aspirin can cause stomach bleeds  EVEN if used short term....
You may want to do 1 (81mg) baby aspirin every other day????
See if it helps.
So sorry...

Marie Peppers LPN MA