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disgusting dog behavior


Hello! I recently rescued a 6 year old Wheaten Terrier and have discovered that he masturbates!! I am appalled and looking for a Bach Flower remedy (or holistic alternative) that I can use to stop this behavior. Can you think of or recommend anything that would help?? I am terribly embarrassed by this and seeking any advise you can give.
Thank you so much!!


I am sorry to have taken so long to answer your question but my computer was down for over a week and it is taking quite a while to catch up on everything.

There are two possible alternatives I would suggest: 1) for flower essences, I would recommend going on line and do a search for Anaflora flower essences. The woman who owns the company does private consultation and will produce a personalized product for your specific situation.
2)For homeopathy, I would highly recommend contacting Dr Gerald Wessner at 352-245-2725. He does phone consultation and is wonderful. More than likely, a call to simply ask if there is a holistic solution to the problem would be free, then if so, you would set up a consultation. He is quite reasonable for this service, by the way.

A combination of the two would also be an option.

I hope this helps. I raised Wheatens for many years and never had that problem, so there is a hormonal or emotional glitch somewhere that needs to be realigned.
