Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Dog chewing on hind quarters ; Salmon oil for canines; Steroids for canines;

Dog chewing on hind quarters ; Salmon oil for canines; Steroids for canines;


Hello Marie,
I have a Hungarian Shepherd, Angel. She's 6 years old. Over the last year she has started chewing on hind quarters, legs, tail, etc.
She will chew her skin raw in places if not treated. Our vet has had her on and off Prednison since last fall. She starts at 1 every 12 hours, then is supposed to be weaned down to 1/2 tablet every other day. When she gets to the 1/2 a tablet a day, it flares up and she starts chewing again.
She also has continually had several of the skin cysts that are black nubs and look like cottage cheese when they rupture. This is something the vet said not to worry about.
Plus now her right eye has started oozing clear mucus. The vet said not to be concerned unless it is green mucus. It's just kind of coincidental that it started now.
Angel suffers from fear anxiety so it is difficult for the vet to thoroughly exam her, even with a muzzle. And she is terrified of the spray on hot spot medication I tried last year.
Can you help my poor, poor baby?
Thank you,

Canine steroids; alternatives to steroids; Collodial Silver salve;
NuVET Plus for allergies ..

PLEASE let me know how Angel is doing?
Did you try the Silver Salve ( ???)
Keep me posted: I love follow ups.
VET Nurse Marie

Wow --- I would love to help you... POOR Angel:

Let's consider that she is suffering from Mainly Environmental allergies...
1.  Please start her on some PURE salmon oil - just 1 teaspoon per day.
( increase to 1 tablespoon after 1 month and do this long term)

2.  Ester C - Start this gal on 500 mg (1) per day of Ester C  ---  Can be found at any vitamin store/ or CVS- Walgreens pharmacy.

3.  To help calm her nerves - give 3 mg of Melatonin when needed - 1 hr prior to Vet visit or anything that makes her anxious.... ( you can even give it the night before and then give one first thing in the morning:

4.  Place her on some Silver - Collodial Silver cream or salve -  I like Silver Shield by Nature's Sunsine...  Silver comes in a gel or some type of a cream --- try to apply this 1 x per day to itchy areas and the bumps you mentioned.  ( the bumps could be herpes virus warts that are very common)  ( no cure for the bumps- they go away in a year or so ...or are removed by the Vet)-  Not a big deal.
Silver products are sold at most Health and Vitamin stores
Just ask the clerk for help.

        ( NUVET is not sold in any stores; HOLISTIC )

5.  PLEASE call NuVET Labs today and get this baby on 2 NuVET supplement Wafers per day - this will help to heal the skin and take away the itchies.... SEE my NuVET page here:
They guarantee you will start to see results in less than 60 days.
MOST of my client see results in less than 45 days.
PLEASE give her 2 wafer treats per day - long term.......
NuVET will boost the immune system and help to fight off allergies.
Call 1-800-474-7044  ( tell them you are working with VET nurse Marie)
USE this order discount Code for 15% off*******  

here is my site:

HOPE this helps - give everything a good 60 days before you decide.
Supplements take time.
Also, don't go off the steroids too quick as they can shock the system ...
You may still need 1/2 or 1/4 tablet of the steroids---- to give the Supplements time to kick-in.

Keep me posted

Marie Peppers LPN MA