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sluggish blue heeler


My blue heeler is 5 months old.  The last few days he would still run and play but since yesterday all he wants to do is lay down.  I thought he sensed I was pregnant, but I am really concerned about him.  The person I bought him from gave me heartworm medicine to give him once a week.  I ran out 2 weeks ago.  Should I bring him to the doctor or is there something I can do for him at home?

Hello Verna -

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

This could be a few things. First you are right to assume that your puppy may sense that you are pregnant. Although it sounds odd, pets can detect emotional, hormonal and physical changes eventhough we don't think so. Your pet may sense the changes in hormones and may be reacting to them. If you are chaging your life around and maybe refinishing the nursery and putting a lot of emphasis on the birth of your child, your pet may feel left out. He is young and will want 110% of your time and attention.

For this you could give him Bach's Rescue Remedy. Rescue Remedy is a Flower Essence remedy and is very helpful in situations of stress and times when he may feel left out. Flower essence therapy works on a similar mechanism as homeopathy. Parts of the flower are diluted and then potentised to become effective. The flower essences are found in liquid form. Thus, the remedies work on an energetic level, similar to homeopathy, acupuncture and Reiki. They affect the mental and emotional parts of our being. Dr. Bach felt that physical illness can be caused by emotional upset and by fixing the emotional balance the physical illness disappeared.

Flower essences work to heal physical, mental and emotional illness. All of the aforementioned illnesses affect each other in one way or another. Therefore, flower essences restore the inner balance by working on the vital force. The vital force is an inner force within the body that governs our strength and well-being. As we get sick our vital force weakens and therefore, the flower essences work on our vital force to strengthen it. The particles of the essences work in specific patterns. This means that certain essences cure certain illnesses. Overall, flower essence are to said to release negative emotions and help heal and calm, using either internally or externally non toxic and have no side effects.

The remedy can be given by mouth, which is the most effective method. Only a few drops (4-8) are necessary, and need not be swallowed, but only must contact the mucous membranes (gums, tongue, lips). Be careful not to contaminate the dropper by touching it to the animal (if this occurs, rinse the dropper in very hot water before returning it to the bottle). You can also add a dropper full to the water dish, or a few drops on wet food (there is no effect of dilution). You can add a dropper full to a spray bottle filled with spring water, and use it to spray a room, carrier, car, around litter boxes or plants, or other problem areas. You can even put a few drops in your hand and pat the animal on the head and around the ears with it--the head is very sensitive to energy and will absorb the flower essences in this way. In the case of chewing or excessive licking or hot spots, you might want to try applying the remedy directly to the problem spot (IF it isn't too raw, otherwise the remedy will sting); the animal will then consume it when it next licks that area.

Just a few drops (4 - 8) at a time are sufficient. For serious or acute conditions the remedy can be given as often as needed, even every few minutes. For most behavioral problems, you can give 3 to 4 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks. If the response is reached by that time, you may begin to decrease the dosage gradually. You may need to add a dropper full to drinking water or give once a day long-term for some problems.

The Flower Essence remedies are non-toxic and have no side effects. Therefore, they are safe if another pet in your household should receive the flower essence via drinking water. With flower essences, if the animal needs the remedy, the remedy will work and vice versa.

Flower Essences work on all types of emotions even deep rooted ones that could stem from his original owner. There are many essences that can be mixed to help with emotional an behavioral concerns. You didn't mention in your questions anything about your puppy being in pain or showing any illness so it may very well be an emotional concern.

I am not sure about it being a reaction from the heartworm medication. I would wait another month or so and take him to the vet or even begin a program yourself such as Heartguard. This is a once a month tablet (looks like a treat) that you can administer to your pet. It works very well and if you purchase it online it is less costly then going to a vet. Mosquitos are not really out yet (at least in central NJ) so I wouldn't say he has heartworm or any related illness.

He may have an upset stomach too, lots of times puppies run around and get themselves so excited that they will wear themselves down to the point of having an upset tummy. Next time you let him go outside, see if he eats grass. If he does, the problem should cure itself and he may vomit. This is a sure sign that he may have an upset stomach. Keep an eye on him and he should feel better after he eats the grass. If you notice heavy blood or mucous in his vomit or feces, contact your vet, he may have a more serious condition.

I would give it a day or two and see how he is. If there are no signs of improvement, take him to the vet for a check up. Have them run blood work just as a safeguard. Without much more information about your pet I am hesistant to say about more illness'.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remdies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of specially formulated herbal remedies which I can send to you as well. By the way, I make a great tea for morning sickness, that really helps and is safe to take during pregnancy! :>)

Thank you and peaceful blessings to you and your pet during this most joyous time of preparation.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist