Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Dog who has a cyst in breast;

Dog who has a cyst in breast;


I have a dog (breed is a Chow Chow) who weighs 25 lbs.  She has a cyst inside her breast that causes her pain.  Do you suggest any herbs I can give her to shrink or stop the cyst from growing?  If so, how often should I give it to her?

Canine cyst in chest;
Turmeric to reduce inflammation;
Hi Cathy, The vet can give you something for pain.  I have some herbs that will reduce inflammation and thus helps reduce pain, too.
Here are a few options:
Turmeric powder ( the kind for cooking ) - put 2 pinches into the food 2 x per day - mix well.
Turmeric is great to Reduce swelling and pain.

Next - We have had great luck with NuVET supplement.
Call and ask for the 60 day Guaranteed trial offer.  A 60 count bottle is 39.00 and a 90 count bottle is 55.00  ( ask them for the 15% off discount program)
Holistic and not sold in stores:
call 1-800-474-7044
Tell them pet Nurse Marie sent you.  ( you are looking for the NuVET Plus Wafers ) -
You will need 2 per day for 30 days and then Drop to (1 1/2) per day long term.

BEST wishes
Marie Peppers LPN MA