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canine hypoglycemia


I have a 15 year old male cock-a-poo.  Three years ago he developed kidney disease.  We put him on Prescription KD dog food. Within about a month he started having seizures.  At first they were mild and infrequent.  We thought it was epilepsy.  Gradually they increased in frequency and severity.  At first we thought it was epilepsy but after monitoring symptoms and doing blood tests discovered the seizures were caused by hypoglycemia.  We have done many, many tests since and have ruled out Cushings Disease, and Addison's disease.  It could be an insulinoma but not too likely since his glucose/insulin ratio is normal.  His blood sugars are always low however.  The vet said we could do exploratory surgery to see if there is a tumor but due to his  age and kidney disease is afraid he would not survive the surgery. Since his symptoms came on right after we started the KD I started to wonder if there could be a connection so I took him off the KD and started making his food.  His seizures disappeared.  I thought maybe the KD lacked something he needed.  But I was also concerned because I didn't know how to make food that would be nutritionally balanced for him and easy on his kidneys.  His BUN and creatinine shot up on the homemade food so I decided to mix the homemade food with KD.  His seizures returned so I decided it must not be that he was missing anything in his diet and I went back to feeding him KD.  Seizures got worse.  So I switched him to different kinds of dog foods but seizures continued to get worse.  It has gotten  to the point that he is having several seizures a day and I had decided that I would need to put him down.  As a last ditch effort I took him off all dog food and started making my own again.  For the past 6 months he had been having  several seizures a day.  I have now had him off dog food for four days and so far he is seizure free.  I am now convinced that something about dog food is causing his hypoglycemia but I haven't a clue what.  I don't know how to make food that is both nutritionally balanced for him and OK for his kidneys but i believe if I can get it figured out I may not need to put him down.  I love him very much and that would be a terrible decision to have to make.  Any suggestions?

Dear Julie,
As a personal opinion, I would never feed commercial dog food to anyone, and much study now shows that commercial dog food is to blame for many health conditions, including kidney problems.
There are many natural products out there that can help both seizures and Kidney problems.
Firstly I suggest you order two bottles of Canine Kidney Weakness herbal formula from herbalist Robert McDowell -
Two bottles will last you about 6 months and you simply add it to his food a couple of times per day.  This herbal blend is very powerful in repairing kidneys, and you should notice a great improvement.  This product is superior to many other blends.  
You can also order a homeopathic seizure formula from PetAlive to have on hand for seizures, and to help him overcome them.
Fresh and raw foods are always best.  Grated (or in the food processor) veggies and some meats (you can cook if you are uncomfortable with raw meats) - but keep the veggies raw.  Also, you can give him some fruits and berries (but not grapes or raisins as these work against the kidneys).
If you search around you should find some company that prepares raw and natural meals for dogs.  There are also many cook books available for this (have a look on Amazon).  The other suggestion is the B.A.R.F. diet - these are fabulous raw meat patties mixed with veggies and herbs and you can keep them frozen until you need them.  Serve raw.  They are prepared by a vet and you can find your nearest stockist from the BARF USA site.
I do hope you find some answers here as we must do all we can to keep him healthy and happy.
My biggest suggestion is to order the Canine Kidney Repair blend and get him onto raw and natural foods.
(If you mention me "Silva from Melbourne" Robert may even give you a discount as we have a great working relationship).
Take care and wishing you and your pooch all the best.