Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > yogurt



i was looking around and seeing what human foods are good for dogs and was reading comments.  Can you tell me if activia yogurt is ok for a dog.  i have a 26 pound yorkiepoo 8 years.  he has digestive problems and doesnt get any human food.  seems like the yogurt may be helping thanks.  Amy

Hi Amy - Yes, he can have Activia for short term - If you want a Probiotic for his belly and yeast / Nature's Sunshine makes one that is safe to give daily for 30 days...
YOU can do this a few times per year to help clean the Gut of excess Yeast Bacterias - just as Activia does ............
Flora Force / give 1 per day for 30 days / Natural and Safe:

A dog over 50 lbs can take 2 per day for 30 to 40 days.

HOPE this helps....!!!
Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse