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Cats blood pressure


Hi, my cat's blood pressure was 300mmhh! As a result the specialist prescribed blood pressure pulls. My cat Lucy lost her eye sight two weeks ago. Alll the eye examinations proved her eyes are normal physically everything is intact. The specialist thinks either the high blood preasure or her FIP disease has caused the blindness.

It's been a week since she has been on blood pressure pills and she reacts to movements on her left eye. Her pupils are not as dailated as they were two weeks ago.

How can you help to reduce her blood pressure or treat her eye sight with herbal remedies?

I would love to help you! Please let me know what is causing her HBP, how old she is, what food is she currently on and anything else you think might help. With this information I would be able to give you a much better idea as to what may help your Kitty. I am going on vacation tomorrow so contact me asap.