Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > fleas use diatomaceous earth ( DE) human grade;

fleas use diatomaceous earth ( DE) human grade;


Is there something that we can use to help with fleas that is not one of the expensive drops or pills. we are having a terible time controlling them and we have four dogs and eight cats. money is tight with only one person working. we have treated the yard and give the animals baths and drops but it doesn't seem to be doing a very good job on them we have even cut the dogs coat very short....thanks  


D.E. Diatomaceous Eart
Fleas, get rid of them the Natural and safe way...
Diatomaceous earth - get rid of fleas - Natural....

If you live in a flea area - Use some D.E. - very safe - LOTS of Info here:  HOPE I don't over-load you:
VERY low cost, too!

Re: Alternatives to "Flea / Tick Spot" treatment /

The Frontline can be toxic to people and pets... Any of the spot treatments..

1.DE is one help if you have a YARD - also, I sprinkle it onto my dogs and cats- Must be the human grade to place onto the pet's coat and skin...

- It is safe and natural if it is the DE - here is what I order so you know what-
YOU can call around to some Health Food stores or go to Revival Animal - see below

I am talking about...
Human Grade DE ( can be found at many FEED and FARM stores or on-line)

Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
A low cost, non-toxic, safe mineral made of crushed fossils. Pure Diatomaceous
Earth can be used during the parasite season both internally and externally to
improve health, appearance, and well-being of animals. Diatomaceous Earth is a
product that can be used as a nutritional supplement for a wide variety of
conditions. Contains the highest concentration of pure, raw Diatomaceous Earth