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dog blister on bottom


My dog had some soft stool tonight and when I cleaned her backside up I noticed a bump on her bottom just to the left of her anus. When I pushed on it some little whitish things came out--some with brown tips. I could see more under the skin in the bump. What are they and are they contagious to my other dog or my family?

Hi Jen - this is a common problem and I believe it is a possible anal sac infection?  YOU will need to see the vet for this if there is redness around the anal area.  If the area is just pink and no  swelling then we could try a few supplements and warm compresses.

You can get a warm wash cloth and pat the area for 10-20 seconds, if she will let you?????  The warm water will help to draw out any more possible secretions.  You can also try some Triple Antibiotic ointment / apply 2 x per day to the area for a few days.  If it doesn't look better after a day or two, please call the vet for more treatments.

Also, add some All BRAN ( Kellogg) / cereal/ to her diet - give her 2-3 tablespoons per day - depending on her size ( weight)

Also, NuVET Plus is a great supplement to add daily - here is the link to learn more:
Thousands of dogs and cats ( over 35000 ) take this daily.

WELL I hope this helps ///// and it is not contagious

BEST of luck

Marie Peppers LPN