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hip problem


Hi again!  I decided to ask you about my 8-yr. old 50-lb. cockapoo mix dog's hip problem.  When I visited the vet for her yearly check-up in late May, I mentioned she was limping after her daily walk.  The vet advised that I give her 325 mg. of enteric coated aspirin 2x/day.  I did this for only a few days and didn't notice any change.  I decided to stop taking her for walk until the limping stopped.  Now each time I take her on a 45-min. walk she ends up limping.  Also she has started having trouble getting up from a sitting position after having been on a walk.  I haven't taken her for a walk for at least 2 weeks and am hesitant to do so.  I wonder if when she was given a bath and her hind legs slipped on the table top and she ended up in a splayed position if this maybe strained something.  We now have a rubber mat on the table top so this doesn't happen.  Do you have any suggestions?  I currently add "Missing Link" to her dry food and recently purchased this item with glucosamine which I haven't started her on yet.  I was thinking perhaps I could give her the glucosamine/chondroitin tabs.  What do you think?  My husband thinks I should take her back to the vet for x-ray but I would rather not have to resort to that.  Thanks for any help you can offer...

Hello Susan -

You may want to have an x-ray done just to be sure there is no serious internal damage.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplements are excellent for humans and pets suffering from stiff, inflammed and arthritic joints. It will take a good month or so to get into her system but you will see results. If the arthritis is severe, you can also add a supplement of either MSM or SAM-e to her diet as well. These supplements will aid in bone and cartilage repair and work very well with those that suffer from osteoarthritis.

I do not care to pets aspirin, whether it is in "human" form or enteric coated for animals. For pain, I recommend a supplement with SOD and Boswellia. Be sure the supplements contains both of these as they work together to target pain. I have many clients that have used this with excellent results and use it with my own pets should they experience pain.

I will mention this, it is very difficult to manage pain with pets. Most pets, if they can no longer feel pain will overexert their activities which can actually cause more harm. You can take her for walks but cut down on the time. You have been walking her for 45 minutes, try only going for 20 minute walks and see how she does after beginning the supplements. You will know if the supplements are working because she will be able to get up from a sitting position without a struggle.

It is possible that when she slipped after being bathed that she pulled a ligament or damaged internal tissues. I would say an x-ray would be a good place to start. Once the results come in you can begin more specialized natural treatments. Please feel free to contact me again should you decide to have the x-ray done, let me know the results and I will do my best to assist you in helping your pet naturally. I would begin the Glucosamine supplements now, she is at the age where joint inflammtions can begin and if they are supported early on, she will have less of a chance of developing severe arthritis.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

Please keep me posted and contact me anytime. You can visit my webpage for information about me and my practice at or view my full product line at

Thanks again and best wishes!

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist