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Prednesone for Siamese cat


My cat has been diagnosed with allergic bronchitis and has been on prednesone for over a year.  I have changed her food to no grains Wellness, but she still has an attack about every 2 days.Her comprehensive physical yesterday shows some increase in liver enzymes.  I would like to know if there is an alternative medicine to prednesone.

Thank you.

I would like to know if the vet diagnosed this with xrays etc or simply gave steroids?
Firstly over use of steroids by vets is common practice and frankly absurd giving that steroids will actually have a furthermore damaging effect in the long-term than the condition they are being given for. The cat will put on weight to the point of obesity, drink more water and become very lethargic using steroids,they damage the liver, they really should be a last resort not a first line of defence.
Change from a dry diet to a 100% natural one , use fresh meats and vegetables , lots of oily fish as this will actually allow the cats own immune system to kick in and fight off allergies.Change all litter to a natural pellet based one so to avoid chemicals and dust.Dont have the cat in any environment were smoke is there, the most important factor is finding what triggers his allergic response, then remove that then its diet, cats should not eat a dry diet, they are desert creatures as such they dont require alot of food and the food should be animal in origin but high quality protein. Oily fish is effective for both humans and animals in the treatment and prevention of many allergies and illnesses caused through both genetics and environmental factors.
this will help alleviate some coughing,
Garlic is one herb that every animal lover should use and have in their first aid kits, arsenicum album 30 is also great for cats like yours,and phosphorus 30 is also effective depending on the trigger of course and how socialised the animal.
Hope this helps
You can also use a steam room for about 5 mins daily to help the lungs in dogs cats and humans suffering from respiratory illness