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spay cats


I don't want my cat have kittens, but I don't want she have her reproductive organs removed, are there any alternative? She is 4 month old,  short hair cat. She also pass blood at the end of he stools, bright and just a bit, it is something to be concerned about? Can you advice me of good alternative medicine for worms? Thank you very much.


NuVET for Felines - th
Luci - she may need to be wormed but I don't know what kind of worms she had....There are 3 kinds and 3 different medications.. YOU need to see the vet on this.
Bring in a stool sample.
AS far as spay.... No, I don't believe they tie cat's tubes...If that was the alternative you were asking.
Talk to your vet about your concerns...BEST of Luck

Marie Peppers LPN MA