Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Severe behavior problem with cat

Severe behavior problem with cat


QUESTION: I have a 6 year old cat that absolutely hates everyone except my husband and I.  She hisses, growls and tries to attack anyone that tries to pet or go near her. She was a barn cart when we picked her up.

I'm looking for an alternative medicine that might help her.  It's so hard to see such a loving cat to me and my husband, but just seems to dislike everyone else. I've had a lot of success with other natural medicines and I'm hoping you might have a suggestion.

Thanks for your time,

ANSWER: You could try Bach's Rescue remedy.  Don't spray it on the cat, though.  You could put a few drops on her fur, around her nose and some more on her chest, forehead, and around her ears.  You could spray some where she sleeps, and add a few drops to her food and water.  (Don't, of course, do any spraying around her, as the sprayed water is liable to scare her.)  

I wouldn't try tinkering with her nutrition if she is healthy now.  Any other changes risk an imbalance which  could have a bad effect on her health.

This may just be her nature, not to be affectionate with people she doesn't know.  Just respect that.  I hate it when good meaning people insist a little girl hug an older relative against her will, and I think it's also a bad idea to force affection on an animal against the animal's will.

It's wonderful you and your husband were able to take a wild cat and make her love you.  I'd love to know how you did this miracle!

I hope this helps.

Cordially -


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks very much for your input Susan. My husband and I were looking for a kitten, and were driving one day and saw a free kitten sign, so we stopped. There was about 10 to 12 kittens in a barn, and we picked one up and brought it home.  She's been our baby ever since.

I will try the recommendation that you've suggested. Your comment about just respecting the cat is very well said. Every person that comes to our house knows how are cat is, so they do leave her alone. I asked this question because I am 8 months pregnant and will be having a baby soon in the house, and I wanted to try something to ease my cats anxiety and fear.  I appreciate your suggestion.


The addition of a baby may cause problems.  I'm sure you'll be careful to make sure the cat doesn't get near your baby.  When your baby begins to crawl, though, be equally careful he or she doesn't have a chance to "play" with the cat.

And congratulations!

