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crusty eyes


i have a 13 week old female american bulldog and i noticed that when she woke up in the morning she had crust on both of her eyes, and it wasnt just the regular amount both of her eyes were crusted and red... i took her to the dog park and the redness just got feeding her pedigree for puppies..could it just be allergies or should i take her to the vet right away?


I love pet nurse marie
Hi Les, It could be conjunctivitis ( pink eye related to allergies?)-
Dogs can get the allergy kind of pink eye or the Bacterial - contagious kind.... HARD to know which she has.
You can give some Benadryl 25 mg tablet one now and one in 6 hrs. See if this helps some.
Also, with a warm face cloth wash one eye and then use another face cloth for the other eye.  ( Just some nice warm water)
YOU can buy some unsented baby wipes and use them every day on her eyes.  Bullies need the eye area cleaned well a number of times per week.

If the benadryl doesn't help in 24 hrs - then see the vet for a check up and possible antibiotics.

Also, Make sure you bullie kid is taking some NuVET Plus each day - to Avoid allergies and future infections.
Also, this is wonderful for knees, legs and joints..
here is the info to order:

Send me a photo of her when she is better - with nice clear eyes...I will use her on my web sites...

Marie Peppers LPN MA