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American Staffordshire with rash - very itchy!


Hi Marie:

My Petey, who just turned seven is a purebred American Staffordshire Terrier who weighs 70 lbs. His chest is very itchy and pink and he is also getting some spots on his face (just a couple).  When he had this before, I switched him to the RAW Diet which I made myself and it went away after about six weeks.  About 3 -4 mos. ago, Petey got sick with a Stomach problem and the Vet recommended taking him off the RAW Diet.  I switched him to Eagle Pack, Holistic Select, Anchovy, Sardine & Salmon Meal Formula with Oatmeal. Although he loves the food, the 'itchies' are back along with the rash.  Do you have any suggestions?


I am a French bulldog.
Added to this e-mail : **********************

Pat, I am so glad you ordered the NuVET Plus and the Nature's Sunshine Products!
Please keep in touch and let me know what results you see...
Again, you should see results in 30 days or less and within 60 days you should see even more BETTER results.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Dog and Cat Nutritionist


Hi Pat - Oh, Staffies are so prone to skin and coat problems all related to Allergies!  As you know....
Yes, I have some help for you and your kid.

The food is a good one...I would continue it along with an Immune System / Allergy Supplement.
I bet this kid is mostly allergic to environmental allergens and some foods, too.

I would like to see him on a Probiotic, some oils and a supplement/ NuVET Plus - here is all the info for ordering:

Pure Salmon Oil can be found at most pet stores:  please place this boy onto 2 tablespoons of salmon oil per day for 2 weeks.  After the 2 weeks drop down to 1 tablespoons per day - always - long term.

Next, I would like to see your kid on a great probiotic - the is guaranteed or your money back - 30 day money back guarantee

Probiotic Eleven - give 2 per day for 2 weeks , then 1 per day for 2-3 months... ( human grade quality)

Last - NuVET Plus - the BEST immune system booster !
The ultimate vitamin /  Loads of Staffies and Bullies take this daily - Thousands of them...NuVET gives a 60 day Money back guarantee.
So no risk to try this Natural and Safe option.
ordering info here:

With all the options I mentioned, you kid should be much better in Less than 60 days.
Most of the supplements will need to be given LONG term to avoid flair ups in the future.

Keep me posted...Send a photo of before and after ...if you would like me to look at the areas.

My personal e-mail is

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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Dog Food Expet/  Marie Peppers