Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Blood in stool in 7 year old pit bull / VERY common

Blood in stool in 7 year old pit bull / VERY common


Hi, Just this morning my pitbull has vomited once and has has a little blood in her stool. I just took her out again and she went to the bathroom except this time there appeared to be mucus in her stool as well as two drops of blood. Do you happen to know what this might be. Not sure if its relevant or not but im recovering from the flu could it have been passed to the dog? As much advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Hi Kelly - very common ...give her some Pepto Bismol for today - 1 caplet up to 2 times ---  also, give some chicken breast and white boiled rice.
If not better in 24 hrs - Please call the vet for a possible antibiotic...
Again, with a small amount of cooked food and plenty of water, this may go away quickly.
They call it colitis...

Have fun!

Marie Peppers