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Puppy With Bronchitis



Can I use Chinese Clear Lungs for my 8 week old boxer?  He has bronchitis and the medicine the vet has out him on doesn't seem to make him any better. He has been on antibiotics and inhaler ingredients with no results. I personally have been battling with bronchitis and used to use an inhaler. After using the Clear Lungs, I breathe clear with no coughing.  Is it safe to use on such a young puppy??  I really need to know. I just lost my 10 year old boxer last week and got this pup. I do not want to lose another pet or see him so uncomfortable. If safe, what is the dosage that you would recommend?

Thank you

Hello Mona,

Not being a vet, I am not permitted to "prescribe", but I have found that most herbal remedies that work for people also work for dogs. The vet who developed the HerbSmith line of products is wonderful and is an expert in Chinese herbs. You may want to contact her office, or the company that makes the product and ask them.

Another recommendation would be to contact Dr Gerald Wessner @ 352-245-2025 and set up a phone consultation. He specializes in homeopathy and is outstanding. He is also very reasonable price wise.

Was your pup recently vaccinated? That could be a major contributing factor. I would suggest not giving him any more vaccinations. Boxers are very sensitive to them and their negative side effects. My daughter bread Boxers for many years. I have one of her offspring who is now 12 years old and is just now looking about 6 years old. She has never had as vaccine in her life after her first one at 8 weeks.(Legally required to sell a pup in Florida.)

There are homeopathic remedies for everything from heart-worm prevention (available from Wessner or on our website ) to cough suppression, vaccine replacement, etc.

When you go to my site, about 10 seconds in, there is a pop-up form to submit that will give you a free PDF copy of my book "Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet". You will definitely want to read it. Lots of years of going strictly holistic.

Also, in the meantime, go to a local health food store and get some locally sourced Raw Honey; mix a small amount with some lemon juice, and give him about 1/2 teaspoon or less every few hours. He will probably lick it off of the spoon, but if not just put a little on his gums or nose so he will lick. This is very good for soothing a cough as well as boosting the immune system.

That's about it for now. Keep me posted.
