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New kitten


Hello. I am currently keeping one cat and considering to get another one. However, if i am not sure whether the new kitten would have any disease that would infect my existing cat, should I first isolate them for a while? if so, how long time is the isolation to make sure the new kitten is OK ?
Thanks a lot

Hello Kylie -

You should be able to tell if your new kitten is ill at time of purchase or adotpion. Most kittens suffer from mild to severe upper respiratory infections and will show symptoms of weepy eyes, runny noses, lethary, sneezing and mild cough with congestion.

If your new kitten has any of these symptoms I would isolate them at least until the new kitten is no longer sneezing, coughing or the eye has stopped weeping. Cats spread bacteria through mucous and this is the most common way that current pets are affected by the new pets.

If your kitten has these symptoms, the fastest and easiest way to cure him is by taking him to a vet. The vet will administer and antibiotic such as Clavamox and your kitten should show signs of improvements within 48 hours.

There are many natural ways to fight a URI in pets, should your kitten contract this contact me again and I will be happy to assist you in healing your pet naturally. Also, be sure your new kitten has had all of his current shots, this will also help URI's and other dangerous kitten diseases.

If your kitten does not show any signs of illness and you know he has had all of his shots, I don't see a reason for seperation. There may be a little reluctance at first from your current pet but other then that I don't see a need. Should your current cat attempt to injure the kitten, I would keep them apart for a few days and let your kitten gain some strength to fight back. Once the two cats "hash it out" in their own little way, you should not have any further problems.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to help you. I also offer a catalog of specially formulated herbal remedies which I can send to you as well. My products are also available at

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet, good luck with your new kitten!

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist