Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > eye ulcer in Feline ; NuVet Feline;

eye ulcer in Feline ; NuVet Feline;


QUESTION: My Persian cat is 11yrs old and has had now for over a year a recurring ulcer in her right eye. She has been treated for this by a consultant with Interferon and eye soothe but it keeps returning.She has now developed a secondary infection, which is very red under the lid and into the eye.The consultant gave her antibiotics which made her not eat or drink. I did syringe water into her mouth however.After two days on these tablets, she was sick all the time so I stopped them and returned for advice.I was given a different antibiotic, which again, put her off her food and after two days she was constantly sick.When I stopped the first lot, she did eat and was not sick.The ulcer is still there, after almost 5 weeks of putting interferon in her eye four times a day.Obviously this is not working and the infection has to be treated.I have been told (by a retired doctor, for humans) that I could treat her with Echinecea for the infection, but this will not get rid of the ulcer. Can you please advise me for I have paid out a fortune to the consultant. I dont mind this if it is working or gets her better, but am still at square one. I have been constantly told that it is not the penicillin that is making her sick. Thank you

ANSWER: Feline ulcer on eye; Silver Shield and NuVET for cats;
Wow Pat !  Poor you and poor little persian, too!
Yes, I have a few ideas for you:

1.  Silver Shield- call around and see if any places sell Nature's Sunshine Products
( you can always order on-line, too)
Silver shield, I would place 4 drops into the cat food 2 x per day.
You can also place a drop of this into the eye with an eye dropper.
( I would do both, eye dropper and add to the food)
This product works wonders.

2.  NuVet Feline formula - Please give 1/2 teaspoon in the am and then 1/2 teaspoon in the pm.
break the dosage up into 1/2 and hide in some 2% cottage cheese or some wet cat food.
NuVET helps the healing process and Reduces swelling and inflammation.
Holistic and not sold in stores:  Please call into the company today:  1-800-474-7044
Tell them PET Nurse Marie sent you for the small bottle of the NuVET feline powder.
Give order code 81098 for the 15% Off Program.
write down my name and e-mail:  I am here to help:

You can see the NuVET products here:
To order the small sized bottles, you must call-in the order.

I sure hope the Silver and the NuVET will help ---WE have had great luck with them at our clinic.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Marie for your help, my baby means the world to me as she was there when I went through chemo. Unfortunately, she is on dry food and this is a special feline diet as she suffers also from systitus.She will not eat any other food, even tempts, just walks away from them.So, cannot sprinkle anything onto dry food, but could put with water into a syringe and into her mouth if that is ok.  Also I took her back to my own vet today and he has given her an injection that he said did not contain any penicillin. Am keeping my fingers crossed, but will copy your reply and get the products you suggest. There cannot be any harm. Thank you so much.

How is your cat doing now?  any better....

Hi again, YES, I am very happy to help.
The Silver Shield has no taste at all.  She may not notice it in the food?
Or, yes, you can do a syringe of the NuVET and a few drops of the silver / mixed.
VERY safe and sure won't hurt!  I hope it will help your little one.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse