Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > American Bulldog Odor / NuVET for dog odor; Salmon oil for canines; Pet Nurse Marie .....

American Bulldog Odor / NuVET for dog odor; Salmon oil for canines; Pet Nurse Marie .....


I have not been able to find a solution to my dog's odor. He doesn't have any skin or ear problems. He had one skin outbreak about a year ago and I started giving him salmon oil and he's had no problems since. If I give him a bath he smells the following morning. It seems to be more prevalent after he sleeps. I've tried everything (including odor shampoo, salmon oil and non-grain dog food). Please let me know if there is anything else I can do. Thanks in advance.

Justin, Yes, I can help your American bulldog kid!  Two products that I would like you to try.... Low cost and Natural, too!

1.  Give your pal some Acidophilus 1 billion CFUs - give 1 per day for 30 days.  After that, give 1 evey other day - long term.
This will get rid of the over growth of yeast in the blood and intestines.  ( I have a good idea that is what has cause the smell)
Acidophilus can be found at most health food stores.

Continue with the Salmon oil - 1 tablespoon per day / Always.

2.  Your dog needs to try some NuVET Plus - this is a Skin healer and Immune system Blaster.... Your baby may have an over growth of yeast related to allergies and a Weak immune system.

NuVET needs to be purchased on line or by phone:
Tell them you want to take the 60 day challenge -  Take 2 wafers per day for 60 days - after that, you baby can go down to just 1 wafer per day.....LONG Term please.
Good for legs, hips, joints , skin and many other body systems.
Call 1-800-474-7044 TELL them Marie sent you from All Experts and ASK the Pet Nurse.
Give order code 81098 and ask for the 15 % off Discount.

You can also see NuVET here:

Marie Peppers LPN