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Eye Infection?


Healthy Eye
Healthy Eye  

Infected Eye
Infected Eye  
I have an 8 year old neutered male Papillon named Pogo. He is relatively healthy but has seasonal allergies which have been much worse than usual this year. He's undergone a few rounds of steroids, injected and oral, and seems to be controlled with that for now. About a week ago I noticed his right upper eyelid was slightly swollen and reddish. It didn't seem to be bothering him so I just watched it for a few days. It continued to swell and turned a more angry looking red. I held warm washcloths on the eye several times a day. On a Friday he scratched it and "popped" it open. It bled a little bit and I wiped it and held a cool cloth over it for a few minutes. It stopped bleeding and I assumed that it would close up and heal on it's own.
The following Monday Pogo had a vet appointment for a routine chiropractic adjustment. The vet looked at the eye and told me that what I thought was a skin tag on the eyelid was actually part of the tear duct. She said it was a relatively common issue for small dogs but that it didn't necessitate further attention unless it got larger and caused the eye to not close completely. She thought the two issues were unrelated. The "skin tag" is situated such that is glides along the eyeball itself when blinking.
The day after the vet visit the eyelid began swelling again. It's now back to the point it was last Friday but still doesn't seem to be bothering Pogo.
Do you have any ideas on what it could be? Or what could be causing it? He's had conjunctivitis before, but that was clearly an issue with the eyeball itself, not the eyelid.
I know you're not a vet and I will be taking him back to the vet on Monday but I just thought I'd ask in case you had any experience with this.

Thanks for asking me your challenging question and sending me pictures. You sound like an awesome doggie mom.

First, I would recommend finding a veterinarian Opthomologist as they specialize in eyes and eye related issues. It is so worth it!
In our experience we have found in the long run this is the best way to go.  Especially after checking in with our regular veterinarian and not getting results.

The other thing I would recommend to do is to build up Pogo's immune system with organic and holistic foods and supplements. You may be doing this already but if not this path with help with the healing and keeping Pogo strong and healthy.

I wish I had more answers for you and Pogo
Please keep me informed.

My best and in health,
PS. check out for all kinds of help to keep your pup healthy with holistic food, supplements and general care.