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vaccines/heartworm prevention


We just adopted a 3 1/2 month old Australian Shepherd mix from a rescue.  She has received 3 sets of boosters of DA2PP, 3 de-wormers (1st-Nemex, 2nd and 3rd-Virbentel) plus one bordetella vaccination injection.  I do not believe in vaccinations, but is it necessary to give her any more including the rabies vaccine.  She is not yet been spayed.  I am concerned when we bring her in to get spayed, the vet will require she be up to date on what they feel are necessary vaccines.  Also, is there a natural alternative preventive for Heartworm?  I do not want her taking the once a month Heartguard preventative from the vet.  One more question regarding our 2 cats which are 10 and 11 years of age.  They recently have both received extensive bloodwork as a checkup exam to determine any hidden problems.  They both have slightly elevated creatinine levels in which the vet was concerned about stating that it is the beginning stages of kidney disease.  She recommends a prescription diet from their office (I believe they carry Iams and Hills brands) that is low protein and low phosphorus.  We currently feed them all natural canned food.  Is there a natural alternative to her recommendations?  I do not want to feed my cats any brands that include by-products.  Thank you.  

If you get her spayed within the next few months, the vet should be ok with the recent shots. Get a shot record booklet from where you got her if possible.

There are homeopathic nosodes for heartworm prevention. We have them available at our shop.  If you call me at 727-327-2356, I can get them to you. They are also comparatively inexpensive.

I would recommend finding a raw food diet for your cats. Call me for more info.