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Canine Epilepsy


My 1 year old black lab has had two seizures in the last couple months, one in February and another two weeks ago. Neither of them lasted more than a minute, and he's bounced right back after each time. Because his blood work came back normal, my vet assumes he has epilepsy. Because he isn't having more than one seizure a month, my vet is hesitant to put him on anticonvulsant medication. I was wondering if the herbal blend that helps with the nervous system could work as a preventative and keep his seizures from getting worse, or even stop them. Thanks.

Hi Kaitlin
Homeopathy seems to work really well on epileptic pets.  If you visit they have a remedy there.  You may find that you simply need to give him the remedy for about a 6 month period and then reassess the situation.  The remedy can also be given directly before a seizure (if you learn to read the signs), or directly after as well, to help bring the brain and central nervous system back into balance.
Have a good look around the house and also at what events are happening prior to the seizures.  Sometimes they can be brought on by something like the microwave, television, an argument etc... By being aware of the environment you may actually be able to remove what is causing the problem as well.
I hope that was helpful.
Take care,