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TPLO surgery options ; supplements TPLO surgery ;


My 4.5 year old miniature poodle has a torn ligament in this right rear knew...the ortho specialist wants to do surgery but I am wondering if there isn't an alternative.  JJ (my dog)is scheduled for 6/10/09.  If any of you have been through this and found another way that works PLEASE let me know.  Thank you so much for any advice you give.


Hi Bettie - You can give this some time to heal - many of the ortho folks want to do surgery.  Also, there is no guarantee that you won't have trouble with that ligament....down the road they can still develop arthritis.

Here are some alternatives to try - YOU can always do the surgery in 3-6 months from now.

I would try to heal without surgery:
 The two back legs are always a problem.  
When one goes ( the patella or the ligament), guess what??? **the other one soon goes, too.

A chronic problem for this breed and many other breeds.

Try the following for JJ-

First - Make sure we keep this boy's  weight down. ....  ** the key to his leg ( limb) health will be a lean body.
Let me know what you are feeding /
We many need to change him to a weight loss formula mixed with his regular adult dog food.

Again, the key is KEEPING his weight down.  He will not be able to exercise as he once did... WE will need to put some limits on how you exercise him.  I will get to that after we talk supplements ...

Next, Supplements - there are a few this boy will need for a life time- This will help to reduce any pain, stiffness and swelling that may happen over time.  There is no guarantee this boy will not get arthritis in his limbs that are bothering him.  But, with good supplements he can have a pain free of low-pain life.

1.  NuJOINT Plus - this is Wonderful - We have many clients taking this - only purchased thru Holistic Vets - you can use my referral and call the Manufacturer - they will get it right out to you.
Call 1-800-474-7044  ( give my name : Marie Peppers and code : 81098)
Tell them his weight and ask them about the 15% off Discount:
I will place a link to this product below:  Again, write down my name and order code - they can't sell to the public without it.
( made FDA quality here in the USA)

2.  NuVET Plus - GREAT immune system booster and skin/coat healer/ All NuJOINT doggies take NuVET Plus also.  I have place a link below for your review on NuVET - Gives a 60 day Money Back guarantee on the two products.
NuVET will cost you about .60 Cents per day - He will need 1 wafer a day  -
UNDER 75 lbs - they only need about 1 per day....

3.  Omega 3 from Nature's Sunshine:

This is wonderful and FRESH from the FDA grade manufacturer here in the USA.
He would need 1 per day - here is the link to order:

YOU can take some too!  Good for your muscles and bones....joints>

As for Exercise -

Give 2 weeks of rest with very little leash walking-

Leash walking - NO fast start or stops....
What I mean is No ball play - that is a fast start and stop...
Do you know what I mean...
A nice brisk walk is fine.  Try not to allow him to run off leash.
He may go to fast and then stop too fast. Controlled walks and not quite a run - very brisk walking.

Here are the links to NuVET and NuJoint and TESTIMONIALS:
Keep in contact with me!
I am here for you two...

NuVET wafers:

NuVET - order code 81098  ( Ingredients)

NuJOINT Plus -

Happy clients:

I sure hope you try the supplements and light leash walking.
Here is my private e-mail

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse