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Guineapig skin and hair condition.


While dropping something off at a friends we were asked to look at a year old guinea pig who is almost bald and losing weight rapidly. The animal has scratched so deeply into his skin that he has gouges on several parts of his body. They have 2 males and thought that they were fighting so separated them. The damage has continued, I held both and the sick one weighs about 1/2 of the other, we were told originally they weighed about the same. The gp is home with us to see if we can help it. He is eating and moving about well, although we were told that he fell over earlier today. Neither the family who owns the GP has the money for veterinarian care but we would like to help if we can. For some reason the little girl has been frequently giving the GP salt water baths, I feel this would cause a lot of pain in the areas where he has open wounds and might cause the skin to dry up in other areas. We do Reiki so are doing that and have put aloe and vitamin e and a on the sores. We are slowly adding more greens to his diet. What can we do if it is lice or a parasites? What foods will help him gain weight? We have kittens and dogs can they catch something from him? Can we use bag-balm? We have him in a very quiet room and away from chaos. I have removed all the bedding, cedar and pine and am using newspapers for now. What about corn cob bedding?
Thank you so very much Matty, the GP and I will wait for your advice eagerly. He would like to live!

Wow, Poor little guineapig.  They are sure lucky that you want to help.  The Reiki treatments may be very helpful for healing and relaxation.  How about some Silver Shield by Nature's Sunshine.  Get the Gel kind of the Silver Shield and place this on any areas that are in quesiton. ( Silver works wonders)  

The aloe and the Vit E also are great ideas.

Wish I could suggest more..... BEST of luck

Keep me posted

Marie Peppers LPN MA