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Heartworm protection


I have read about  nasomes as a heart worm preventative. Can you explain how to use this remedy and how much is needed. I have two dogs. One is 4.1lb and the other is 5.6lbs.
The vet recently prescribed Revolution for them but I am not comfortable with this medication. We live in south Florida where there are an abundance of insects although I have never had a problem with my dogs. Everyone lately has been scaring me into doing something and to am more comfortable with a natural solution. Thank you.

Susan R Griffin and her friend Tia
Susan R Griffin and he  
Hello Catherine,

Homeopathic nosodes are a very simple to use, safe and effective preventative for heart worms. They come in a tiny dram bottle in the form of teeny little white carrier pills. There are too many of them in the bottle to count. Your kids would each only require 5 per dog since they are small. You can't over dose them, however, so if you give them a couple more it's no big deal. Large dogs only require 10. The protocol is to give one dose per day for 3 days then one a month there after. Very simple. One $22.50 bottle (plus shipping) will give you enough nosodes to treat your kids for several years. They are available on my website: .

For anyone who is reading this who may have a dog with existing heart worms, the protocol is slightly different and requires some other homeopathic remedies as well, but is very effective, much safer and a whole lot less expensive than allopathic vet treatment. To find out more about it and to help your dog, we suggest calling Dr. Gerald Wessner at 352-245-2025. You can begin treatment with just a phone consultation no matter where you live if you have already gotten a diagnosis from your local vet. Dr Wessner will send you the required remedies and exactly what to do.

I am glad you have decided to go holistic!  :0)
