Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Boxer with tumor nuvet; supplements for tumor; pet nurse marie tumor ;

Boxer with tumor nuvet; supplements for tumor; pet nurse marie tumor ;


I have a 7 year old boxer who has a very large tumor and I heard that NuVet helps reduce and/or eliminate them.  I was wondering if you knew if this was true, or if you have any other suggestions.  Thank you so much.  Dana

Hi Dana - Yes, you heard correctly!  NuVET helps to strengthen the immune system and in turn helps to fight off many disease processes including cancer.
They do not say that they can cure cancer or tumors but NuVET helps the body to fight the cancer off.
Yes, - it is worth a try and NuVET is all Natural and safe.
NuVET can be taken with anything your vet gives you.
Call NuVET tomorrow and tell them about your Boxer ...
Who knows, you may be one of the NEXT success stories.

Call 1-800-474-7044  ( tell them pet Nurse Marie sent you )
I would give your boxer 2 NuVET wafers per day - long term.

Most dogs only take 1/2 or 1 full wafer per day.  In more intense situations, like yours, we refer to double dosage of NuVet Plus -
*again this is very safe to take daily.

If you use order code 81098 we can track you as one of my clients.

Also, I would give this kid 500 mg of ESTER C per day - very helpful for tumor patients...VERY safe - can't overdose on C.

Please keep me posted - I am here for you two!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ask the Pet Nurse