Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > discoid lupus

discoid lupus


QUESTION: my 6 year old samoyed has been diagnosed as having discoid lupus after a biopsy on his nose.  I am looking for an alternative to steroids.  I've pirchased a creme that contains Olive oil, Comfrey leaf & root, lavender, Calendula, Plantain, Yellow Dock, Chamomile, St. Johns wort, and beeswax. Is this a good selection? I've heard that some things that normally are beneficial can actually stress the immune systems and make it worse.  I'm also using a sunscreen SPF 20 made by Aubrey that is zinc free. He eats a food made by natura called california Natural, it's pretty basic, but have thought about going grain free.  I also add a hempseed oil to his food in the AM. any info is appreciated!!

ANSWER: One more thing:  If you would like a taste test sample of NuVET Plus - The Ultimate Natural Pet Supplement...  Please let me know...
You can go to my web site and leave your info:

NuVET Plus is ALL natural and 100% guaranteed.

Here is my site:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This doesn't seem like an answer? Are you even familiar w/ Discoid Lupus?  It says "one more thing" as the first sentence....what is the other stuff BEFORE one more thing please?

Hello Again- Something happened to the first part of my answer.  So sorry, Let's try this again:

Great job on your research!  Your are a great pet parent....
All that you mentioned is great... the cream you purchased seems very good and worth a try.

At this time, yes , try to go the all natural route and avoid the steroid treatment... If possible.

As far as sunscreen - good choice, just try to avoid the sun from the strongest times in the day NOON to 3?

Here is one more link... Looks like you have already been reading... but I though this one looked good to send along/

Thanks for your question