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a dogs upset stomach


What can I give my dog when he has an upset stomach and goes outside, eats grass and then throws it up.  He does this periodically and I try to watch what he eats (usually EVERYTHING, he is a 5 l/2 year old yellow lab)  Is there anything I can do or give him when his stomach is upset?

Thank you.

Hello Joyce -

Your pet is doing the best thing for himself by eating grass when he has an upset stomach.

The natural chemicals in grass help settle the stomach which causes them to vomit. Let him do this when he has to and he will be fine.

I don't recommend antacids or over the counter medications for dogs with stomach concerns because they can cause more harm then good. If you are really concerned, you can give him Ginger Root. This will come in capsule form and you can purchase it at any health food store. Ginger works the same as the grass and will help reduce nausea as well as quiet the stomach.

This is very common - I have a Golden Retriever and at times he will get an upset stomach too. As long as there is no blood or heavy mucous in the vomit, your pet is perfectly healthy and just being a dog!

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of specially formulated herbal remedies which I can send to you as well. My products are also available online at

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist