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Cat with runny stool


My 9 year old cat has constant runny stool.  I've had him to the vet on several occasions and was told that he has no bacterial infection.  I read somewhere that I could give him Pearl Probiotics to help with this problem.  If so, how much should I give him.  I take one Pearl everyday myself.  Thank you.

Hi Glenda, give your cat some Metamucil powder - just 1/8 to 1/4 of a teaspoon per meal -- mix it with some wet canned cat food .. It does not mix well with dry food.
this will bulk up the stool -- Get the plain no flavor Metamucil Powder ..

also, If you want a good supplement , give Cat 1/2 a teaspoon of the NuVet Plus Feline supplement daily , see here;  Holistic and not sold in stores ( referral code 81098 )

Want to cook for  your cat?  SEE my home cooking recipes here  PICKY cat cat food recipes