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Boston Terrier House Training problems ;


Our male boston terrier just made a year this past October and he recently started peeing in the house.  He sleeps in our 6 year old daughters room and lately we have been finding pee spots around the house (I think he gets up in the middle of the night and pees around the house); we take her out to potty before she goes to bed and then again before we go to bed.  Today my husband was outside with him and he walked up to my hubby and peed on his leg.  ANY Advise would be helpful!!

Hi Sharlene,  I wonder if this boy has a low grade Urinary infection????  Sounds odd that he is having accidents at night.  There are some great herbs and supplements for urinary health.
I would have the vet check him out for a UTI and then get him on some good supplements.

SEE Here:  Cranberry and other options to prevent urinary problems....

HOPE this helps...
I don't think it is behavior/ check out his urinary health, first.

Marie Peppers LPN MA