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Diarrhea/Cat - Innova cat food and Nu VET Feline formula


My 7 mo old kitten has had diarhea for about 4 months  I started feeding him canadia food and when the diarrhea started i switched him to a ourina cat chow, it continued so we switched to another food then to Science Diet Sensitive Stomache when that did not work I took him to the vet where he has been checked for parasited, has been given Batvet (I think)  some sort of antbiotic and has had 2 shots of cortisone over the last 4 weeks, Hewasalo giventhe prescripion AD food both dry and canned, the diarrha perists,  Right now I am finishing off the last can of prescription food along with the science diet senstive stomache,  thvet as take the less agressive approach  and this has not worked yet, Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do next  the vet mentioned a biopsy of his stomache which sounds expensive, Please Help me Help my daughters kitten Peanut.

Oh, boy!  poor cat - Yes, let's try some Natural options with this little one...
First : food change over - go with Innova cat food or Wellness Formula - only get the canned food for now.  This is a holistic food and you feed less of this.... MORE condensed with Good Stuff...No junk in this.  ( feed 3 small meals per day )
Also, I would like you to give this cat kid some Pure canned pumpkin - NO sugar added, give 1 teaspoon per day - YUM YUM and will stop up the loose poops... You may even want to work up to 2 teaspoons per day.

Ok, Now  - supplements - Let's try the NuVET feline Formula - this is an Immune system booster and healer...
Wonderful Product - and they give you a 60 Day money back guarantee.
ONLY sold my Holistic VETS and special kennels. *** with my referral you can get this by calling the manufacturer...
USE my name as your VET/ kennel referral : Marie Peppers LPN -
code 81098 and ask for NuVET Feline - cost is about .30 cents per day - you only need 1/2 a dosage per day - mixed into the cat food.
The 60 days supply will only be 19.95 plus 4.00 shipping, I believe...
or go to
They sell NuVET feline in 30 or 90 count bottles...
I would start out on the 30 count that will last you 60 days.
LOW cost and SAVES money - Keeps the vet away.

Keep me posted...
my personal e-mail is

Marie Peppers LPN MA
ask the pet nurse..