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Hair loss



Kiko in Santa Suit
I am so glad to find you! I have a 6 lb. chihuahua. She is 4 years old. When she was 1 1/2 years we had her spade. At this time she started loosing hair. It has been 2 1/2 years now and she only has hair on her back and head.The hair on her back is going fast. She doesn't shed, it just goes somewhere; in otherwards, you can't pull it out. We have had her to several "specialists". We have fed her raw food, special diet food for hair/skin, checked her hormones and thyroid. We have tried laventra, vitamin oil, etc. Do you have any suggestions??? It is sad to see this.
Thank you!

Wow Diana:  Thanks for the photo of your little Kiki Chi.
Ok, I have seen this before and many times it is allergies or hormones. You mentioned the vet has done the hormone testing already... Ok, lets see if I can help with some supplements....

I would need to know what you are feeding as of now?  We may need to make a few changes.  Also, any oils or supplements?
I have some ideas/ get back to me...

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse