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Feline dementia


QUESTION: Hello: I have a 17 year old DSH cat who has feline dementia.He still eats and drinks,but that is about it.He is blind on the right side,and completely deaf. I came across a science article on the net which found that mice bred to develop Alzheimers disease were helped considerably by cellphone radiation,of all things.Is anyone to your knowledge working on a cellphone radiation treatment for pets with dementia?

ANSWER: Hi Michael,

I am sorry to hear about your kitty. This must be very hard to witness.
Was he diagnosed with dementia from your vet? Are we sure this isnt a cancer or something else that is effecting his brain? Also, was he prescribed a medication for this?
What did  your vet say the cause of blindness was? Is there high blood pressure? Loss of hearing happens with age, but are we sure he is completely deaf? All of his symptoms are in his head which is pretty significant for the holistic minded vet. Unless there are other things that you didnt mention.
To my knowledge the cell phone radiation is a newer study and the finding behind it is the electromagnetic waves generated by cell phones erase brain deposits of beta-amyloid which is a protein associated with Alheimer's.
I am not a proponent of these types of research and i am sorry i dont know who is actively working on this so I do not have that kind of information to help you.
If you gave me more of his specific symptoms perhaps i can offer natural therapies that might aid in keeping me feeling as safe and comfortable as possible. At this point you want to make his internal environment as safe and pleasant as possible.
I would make sure his diet is high in antioxidants (as approved by holistic nutrition oriented vet, most vets dont deal with nutrition so it must be a holistic vet). I would also recommend a vet that specializes in homeopathy.
I would also recommend a natural diet that is specifically formulated for feline needs.
However, cats with dementia do not adjust to change very easily. It is a delicate affair.
He needs lots of TLC, a very safe environment and i would recommend the use of feline happy pheromones such as Feliway to make his internal environment more pleasant.
There are Bach Flower essences you can research since you are familiar with his particular manifestations of the disease. Certain one you may want to research are Scleranthus which is specific for neurological disorders.  Due to his "doing nothing but still eating and drinking" that makes me think there is a sense of hopelessness so Gorse as well. Also Cerato, Cherry Plum,Chestnut Bud, Clematis. If he is stressed then Elm and Impatiens if easily agitated. If he is depressed then Gentian.
Does he respond to gentle kind strokes? Is he hissing and howling? I am interested in knowing how this disease is manifesting in him.
I prefer natural therapies for animals and i hope some of these suggestions might bring some comfort to him and to you.
My comforting and soothing wishes go to you and your kitty.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks very much for your very prompt and comprehensive answer! To expand on my first email,the vet has said he (Fritzie) has either had a stroke,has a brain tumor,or has feline dementia.I cannot afford further tests,and besides,there wouldn't be any benefit to the cat from further testing,according to the vet. He does not respond to even the loudest noise,and the vet tested his blink response in both eyes.He responds on his left side,but not his right.He cannot turn right at all,and walks in circles,always to the left.He occasionally washes his face with his paw,but only uses his left fore paw.He never hisses,but often cries loudly for no particular reason.He will stop crying when I pick him up,or pat his back.I should add he has always being a very vocal cat!
He also has kidney failure,and is on a low protein diet.
Fritzie really enjoys being held like a baby,which I do often.
Thanks for the various suggestions for essences,I will try those.

Hi Michael,

Be sure to keep Fritzie hydrated with subcutaneous fluids to keep him comfortable since his kidneys are failing too. I asked if he was diagnosed because there are meds that are used for feline Alzheimer's. But it seems we arent certain.
You might want to read up on feline meningiomas as well. Walking in circles and blindness occur. Often the cat has seizures but sometimes this goes unnoticed by the owner. They are often benign and can be removed.
I wondered if this was a left side brain issue because he is disabled on his right side and turns t the right. But he isnt  using his right paw, so it seems both sides are effected. (he is still grooming even if it is just with one paw so that shows some contentment!)
I can not recommend specifics because i would need to do a comprehensive intake. The essences are to help with mood and internal mental state.
I would also do gentle massage on opposite and furthest point on the body, for example if her right eye is effected massage his  left foot and ankle. If he is walking to the right i would stimulate his paraspinal muscles on his left side gently. I think light comforting palpation along both sides is great but a little more intention on left side of his body and some gentle stretching of his limbs. But make it light and gentle since he is up their in age. A warm comforting hand across his kidney area also would feel nice to him as well.

Kitties often get louder when they get older due to not being able to hear themselves and loss of hearing.
A homeopath or holistic vet that uses Chinese medicine can prescribe remedies and dietary supplements but I am not sure if this is in your budget.

Thank you for caring for your special guy Fritzie!